Feriton Spur Park Expansion Now Open

In July, we were pleased to present the Feriton Spur Park expansion to the community along with partners, Google, Kirkland Downtown Association, and the City of Kirkland! The occasion was commemorated with live music, grand openings, unveilings, and remarks from Kirkland Mayor Penny Sweet, King County Council Chair Claudia Balducci, and Google site lead for Kirkland, Paco Galanes.  

The 2.8-acre park located at the heart of the Google 6th Street campus on the Cross Kirkland Corridor, is more than double the size than before renovations that started in spring 2021. Updates include an historic Northern Pacific Railway caboose occupied by Chainline Brewing, vegetable and fruit garden managed by Seattle Urban Farm Co. (which will donate harvests to a local nonprofit), a splash pad, pickleball court, paved trail, and amphitheater.

The amphitheater, known as the Kalakala Amphitheater, features pieces of the Kalakala ferry that debuted in 1935. The ferry’s name, which is Chinook for flying bird, began a tradition for Puget Sound ferries to be given Native American names. Pieces of the ferry are also used in sculptures located at the amphitheater and park entry.

Google Phase III Core & Shell is substantially complete and work on the interior tenant improvements is ongoing.

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