July is here, which means the Palos Verdes Peninsula can finally expect some summer heat and the Merrill Gardens at Rolling Hills project can continue to make sweeping progress on the interior, exterior and site construction!
In June, we achieved many milestones that you would not be able to observe from a passing vehicle — such as the completion of mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems in all the residential units and the pouring of gypcrete throughout the building. During the month of July, the plywood sheathing on the roof will be covered by black roofing material and scaffolding has been installed, enabling the completion of window installation and of the building’s “skin”. Concrete planters on the backside of the building have been formed in what will become the Assisted Living Courtyard and are currently being waterproofed. Once the windowsill installation in complete, this will allow stucco, stone and siding to begin!